Library New



IIT Bombay Library has developed an excellent collection of books, e-books, journals and non-book material in science, engineering, technology, humanities, social sciences and management. Collection building – a core activity of the library, has been undergoing a transformation. From print-only environment where all our acquisitions were in hard copy format, it has shifted to print-and-online and to online-only formats. The library currently subscribes to over 90% of its journals in online only format and the trend is likely to continue. However, most of books, both text and reference, are still preferred in print-only. The library collection comprising of books, e-books, journals, theses, reports, standards, pamphlets and other reading material as on March 2024 stands as follows :


Collection Total as on 31st March 2024
Books, Theses, CDs & Videos 2,53,504
E-Books 21,403
TLL & BC (Book Bank) Collection 12,203
Bound Volumes of Journals 1,19,576
Reports, Pamphlets, Standards 67,931
Photocopies 4,417
Journals (Print, Online) 37,00,000+
IITB Repositories 36,247