
Late Fee | Books-Renew | Rules | Timing

Borrowing Limits

Category  of  Membership No. of Books Loan Period
Students (UG & PG) 15 30 days
Research Scholars(PhD) and Post doctoral fellows(PDF) 20 30 days
Faculty, Research Engineers/Scientists, Emeritus Professor/Scientists, Life-time Achievement Awardees, Librarian, Registrar 30 One Semester
Group A and B Officers, staff and equivalent 10 One Semester
Group C and D staff and equivalent 05 30 Days
Staff not covered above 02 30 Days
Alumni Members 02 30 days
Corporate Members (with borrowing facility) 03 14 days
Retired faculty / officers of IIT Bombay 02 30 days

Renewal of Borrowed Books : Users can renew the books borrowed by them if the same books are not claimed by any other user. Book can be renewed either by bringing them to the library Circulation Counter OR Online (without bringing back to the library). However, Online Renewal of Books can be done upto 4 times by Students and 2 times by faculty and staff.

Late Fee Structure

Types of Material  User  First 30 Days  Beyond 30 Days

Books, Reference Books, Bound Volumes, Loose Issuses of Journals  All Categories  Rs. 5/Day per item   Rs. 10/Day per item
Study Room Books issued over night  All Categories  Rs. 25/Day per item

Important: Books Issue facility will be suspended if fine exceeds Rs. 100/- in case of Students and Rs. 200/- in case of faculty and staff.

Circulation Rules

  • General books are issued to all eligible members as per their entitlements.
  • Reference books, bound volumes, pamphlets and standards are issued only to following members:

1. Faculty and Equivalent Staff Members

i. Two reference books or two bound volumes or one reference book and one bound volume of journal for three days.

ii. One loose issue of journal other than the latest against a prescribed form (for overnight borrowing) between 1700-1800 hrs which should be returned before 11.00 hrs. next day.

iii. Two standards or two photocopies or two pamphlets for 14 days.

2. Research Scholars can borrow one reference book or one bound volume of journal for one day.

  • Theses, dissertations, CDs, video cassettes are not lent out of the library.
  • The readers should check the book thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, pictures etc., while borrowing the book.
  • No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the reader. Mutilated or spoiled books will have to be replaced by the borrower.
  • Books issued will not be accepted back on the same day.
  • Reader can claim books (reserve) already issued, at the circulation counter / online
  • Loss of book must be reported immediately. Late fees, if any, will be charged till the loss of book is reported. If the original library book is returned after reporting it lost, the fine will be calculated till the date of its return.
  • For the rules for replacement of lost book, kindly contact the Circulation Section.
  • One reader can put maximum 3 claims.
  • A book can have maximum 4 claims.
  • Claimed books are kept reserved for the claimant for 3 days from the date of return by previous borrower.
  • Study room books should be claimed before 2.00 pm. A student can claim maximum 3 books and a book can have maximum 2 claims.
  • Books are reissued / renewed only if there are no claims.
  • The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehaviour or misuse of the library.

Issue/Return Timing

  • General / Reference books – Monday-Friday: 9.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M. and on Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
  • Bound volumes of journals, loose issues, pamphlets and standards are issued from first floor issue counter on working days from 9.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M.
  • Study Room Books are issued for overnight, One hour before closing of the library i.e 10.00 – 10.30 pm on Working days & 4.00 – 4.30 pm on Holidays
  • Self Issue / check out available till library is open (Library Hours) .

Please contact : Officer In-Charge, Circulation Section (8926) for any clarification, No Dues etc.